
Jacque Crawford
B: 1929-05-10
D: 2025-02-18
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Crawford, Jacque
Clementina Padilla
B: 1932-07-12
D: 2025-02-15
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Padilla, Clementina
Bill Goss
B: 1951-09-29
D: 2025-02-12
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Goss, Bill
Consuelo "Connie" Mercado
B: 1965-06-01
D: 2025-02-10
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Mercado, Consuelo "Connie"
Arthur Rivas
B: 1940-12-22
D: 2025-02-09
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Rivas, Arthur
Juan Miguel Gongora Garcia
B: 1943-11-02
D: 2025-02-08
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Gongora Garcia, Juan Miguel
John Jarboe
B: 1933-07-29
D: 2025-02-07
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Jarboe, John
James Jones
B: 1958-03-29
D: 2025-02-02
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Jones, James
Juan "Johnny" Bernal, III.
B: 1990-09-15
D: 2025-02-02
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Bernal, III., Juan "Johnny"
Sandra Ramon
B: 1966-01-23
D: 2025-02-01
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Ramon, Sandra
Christine Apsey
B: 1947-01-30
D: 2025-01-29
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Apsey, Christine
Thelma Lee Skrabanek
B: 1928-10-24
D: 2025-01-26
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Skrabanek, Thelma Lee
Adam Garrett
B: 1981-08-16
D: 2025-01-22
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Garrett, Adam
Janet Dietz
B: 1947-07-22
D: 2025-01-22
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Dietz, Janet
Ruby Reyes Ballou
B: 1970-03-21
D: 2025-01-19
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Reyes Ballou, Ruby
Juan Seledon Delgado
B: 1935-06-24
D: 2025-01-16
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Seledon Delgado, Juan
Billy Warren
B: 1930-07-31
D: 2025-01-10
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Warren, Billy
Martin Gonzalez Sanchez
B: 1965-12-06
D: 2025-01-08
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Gonzalez Sanchez, Martin
Ernest "Lee" Wilson
B: 1950-11-24
D: 2025-01-07
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Wilson, Ernest "Lee"
Ross Thornton
B: 1967-07-06
D: 2025-01-05
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Thornton, Ross
James Wright
B: 1929-08-22
D: 2025-01-03
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Wright, James


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4520 Bosque Boulevard
Waco, TX 76710
Phone: 254-772-5272
Fax: 254-772-5695

Immediate Need

If you have immediate need of our services, we're available for you 24 hours a day.

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Offer a gift of comfort and beauty to a family suffering from loss.


A gift to your family, sparing them hard decisions at an emotional time.

Obituaries & Tributes

It is not always possible to pay respects in person, so we hope that this small token will help.

Steps in Planning a Funeral or Memorial Service

While every ceremony is unique to the individual and the needs of their family, the underlying importance of the event remains the same: it is the single most important step you can take toward healing after loss – for everyone involved.

Thomas Lynch, a Funeral Director and writer, said that “A good funeral gets the dead where they need to go and the living where they need to be.” And we couldn’t agree with him more.  

“But,” you ask, “What should the funeral for my loved one look like?” And we would respond by saying, “What would you like it to be?”


The Arrangement Conference

Therein lies the focus of the arrangement conference. We will sit down with you and ask the questions, share the stories, and explore the many options available to you. In that way we will lead us all to the most appropriate service for your loved one, your faith, and your budget.

You will choose where, when and how to hold the funeral or memorial service. You will choose the musical selections, the prayers, and the special personal touches that will help you commemorate the life of someone you held so dear to you. We’ll advise you where we need to; but in the end, you’ll make the decisions and then leave the rest to us.

The Ceremony

The first decision involves selecting the perfect location for your loved one’s funeral or memorial service. You can choose to hold your ceremony in our beautiful chapel or you can choose to hold it elsewhere. Just let us know what you think would be best for all concerned.

Next, you may wish to inform your wider circle of family and friends of the event location, date, and time. We will help you spread the word, through our print and online channels to bring your community together to commemorate your loved one’s life.

When Choosing Burial

If you’ve chosen to have your loved one buried, you may wish to have the casket present at the service. In addition, many people choose to hold a viewing prior to the service. Whatever you decide, we will work with you to ensure that you have every opportunity to bring family and friends together to say a final goodbye before the burial. For more information on our burial services, click here.

About Cremation and Ceremony

Many families think that when they choose cremation, there is no way they can hold a memorial service, funeral, or remembrance service.

This is simply not true. In fact, we strongly recommend that you hold a memorial service to help you and your loved ones in the healing process.

There are new options available to you which make it easier to bring cremation and ceremony together. We can provide you with a rental casket for your loved one, so that family members and friends can benefit from attending a visitation and a funeral prior to the cremation.

Today many families wish to have a funeral reception following the service, and this is something we would be pleased to arrange for you. It can be a small, intimate gathering, or a larger, community-wide event. Please contact us to learn about all of the ceremonial and reception options available to you.

For more information on our cremation services, click here.  

What Comes Next?

In short, what comes next involves coming together with family and friends to discuss their needs and desires. And if your loved one had prepared pre-arrangement plans with us, or any other funeral home – no matter the location – it’s vital that you retrieve those plans and bring them with you when you come in to see us.

If you need further assistance or advice, please contact us and we’ll guide you in the right direction.  
Want to know more about what's involved in funeral planning? Click here.